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Chilli Cheese Omelette

Chilli Cheese Omelette

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Chilli Cheese Omelette
  • Serves: 1 person
  • Prep Time: 30 min
  • Cooking: 2 hours
  • Calories: 287 kcal

This is a very basic beef stew. It’s easy, delicious and inexpensive to make. While there are hundreds of variations of this traditional recipe, it’s hard to improve on this version’s savory and comforting goodness.

Stuff that's in it

What you do

Here’s a warming breakfast that’s super high protein and will keep you fuller for longer!

Pre heat your grill.

In a small non stick pan, squirt a little oil. add your bacon and gently fry for a few minutes each side, remove, let cool and slice.

Add the peppers and cook for a minute then add the tomatoes and fry for another minute.

Remove from pan, wipe and add a thumb of oil,  you want to make sure the egg doesn’t stick to the bottom.

Whisk the egg and egg white together and pour into a heated pan, add the egg mixture.

Allow the omelette to congeal slightly before adding any topping, use a spatula to gently lift all around the edges so it doesn’t stick. Add the toppings then pop under the grill for around 2 minutes until fluffy.

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Author Sarah
McDonald Sarah McDonald

Finally I have been able to put all my creations that I have made over the last 5 years onto a website!!! I’ll be adding more each day and then brand new ones so it will be an endless supply of homemade healthful culinary delights that you can sample at your leisure!
