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Jian Bing Breakfast Crepes

Jian Bing Breakfast Crepes

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Jian Bing Breakfast Crepes
  • Serves: 2 people
  • Prep Time: 30 min
  • Cooking: 2 hours
  • Calories: 200 kcal

This is a very basic beef stew. It’s easy, delicious and inexpensive to make. While there are hundreds of variations of this traditional recipe, it’s hard to improve on this version’s savory and comforting goodness.

Stuff that's in it

What you do

Whisk your flours and water, I then popped in my nutri bulllet to make smooth, you don’t have to but makes a better batter.

Heat oil in large pan pour half the batter and spread out all over until covered, allow to go opaque, scramble your egg and pour half over, lift the pancake and fold in half once the egg starts to cook, flip, then fold again so it’s in a quarter, cook until egg is to your liking, (mine was firm but not rubbery) I just sprinkled my spices over each side, you can add them inside the pancake if you like, add spring onion? What ever.

Traditionally this has wonton crackers in too, fried and broken up inside but I didn’t have any.

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Author Sarah
McDonald Sarah McDonald

Finally I have been able to put all my creations that I have made over the last 5 years onto a website!!! I’ll be adding more each day and then brand new ones so it will be an endless supply of homemade healthful culinary delights that you can sample at your leisure!
