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Banana and Pear Breakfast Bars

Banana and Pear Breakfast Bars

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Banana and Pear Breakfast Bars
  • Serves: 6 people
  • Prep Time: 30 min
  • Cooking: 2 hours
  • Calories: 288 kcal

This is a very basic beef stew. It’s easy, delicious and inexpensive to make. While there are hundreds of variations of this traditional recipe, it’s hard to improve on this version’s savory and comforting goodness.

Stuff that's in it

What you do

Pre heat your oven to 180°c

In a large bowl add your oats, seeds and pear and mix well. Then pour in the butter, mix with a fork.

Mash the bananas in a separate bowl then pour it into the oats mix and combine everything.

Line a rectangle baking tray with parchment/grease proof paper, press the mixture into the tray until you have a straight edge rectangle shape that can cut into 6 long bars and bake for 20 minutes.

Take out, let cool slightly then slice and remove gently from the tray.

They are amazing warm!

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Author Sarah
McDonald Sarah McDonald

Finally I have been able to put all my creations that I have made over the last 5 years onto a website!!! I’ll be adding more each day and then brand new ones so it will be an endless supply of homemade healthful culinary delights that you can sample at your leisure!
